Monuments - Nevado-Mismi

Nevado-Mismi   Facebook share

 Mismi is a 5,597-metre (18,363 ft) mountain peak of volcanic origin located in the Ch'ila mountain range in the Andes of Peru. A glacial stream on the Mismi was firmly identified as the most distant source of the Amazon River in 1996; this finding was confirmed in 2001 and again in 2007.  The waters from Mismi flow into the streams Qarwasanta and Apachita, which flow into the Apurímac River. It is a tributary of the Ucayali which later joins the Marañón to form the Amazon proper.

Mismi is about 160 km west of Lake Titicaca and 700 km southeast of Peru's capital city, Lima, in the Arequipa Region. It is one of the highest points of Colca Canyon. There are several glaciers on the peak.
Elevation: 5,597 m
Mountain range: Andes
Parent ranges: Andes, Chila mountain range

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