Hotels - Pangkor Laut Resort, Pangkor Laut Island, Lumut, Malaysia

Pangkor Laut Resort, Pangkor Laut Island, Lumut, Malaysia   Facebook share

Pangkor Laut is a privately owned island located three miles off the West Coast of Malaysia along the Straits of Malacca. This piece of paradise has been 2 million years in the making, and here you will find one of the world’s premier resorts nestling in the shade of forest giants as old as the land.

You will find no other resorts – just secluded bays curled around pristine beaches, evening skies woven with colour, and a deep sense of serenity reserved exclusively for our guests. A combination of luxury, natural beauty and age-old wilderness woven together to produce an environment where peace and magically memorable moments are the currency.
Comfort, warmth and contemporary elegance find a unique home on the private island of Pangkor Laut. This one-of-a-kind resort nestles comfortably into its jungle island habitat, offering guests beautifully appointed accommodation. Signature Sea Villas stand elegantly on stilts above playful waves, while the Garden and Hill Villas place you within a few steps of nature's abundance.

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